Gogo - Gosaro #aquilacipanas

#NO MATTER HOW SLOW YOU GO YOU ARE STILL LAPPING EVERYONE ON THE COUCH. Ontheway to cipanas. Tikum bakmi jawa,cipanas @7.00 am Yey! gogo gosaro,can't wait for today .. meet another gosaro and cycling together in aquila trek - cipanas. yuks siap-siap @bakmi jawa cipanas. #kiri-kanan : om adi,ibung,yudo,cahyo,ravel,indra,me,ian, hendra,nauval,kresna,enda,hananta,bayu,agung. #selfi dl ma om hananta & om bayu #sukses di turunan sorodot #entah berantah .. love this feeling am the only girl,cool 😋 #sawahhhh #ilalang na tinggiiiiii #trek kebun coklat,hujan & licin #nyusruk di trek kebun coklat #lg diobatin ceritanya 😂 #done! even sakit .. senyum dl lah :) #laparrrrrrrr #lanjutttt Omg! done .. level complited 🚴🏻💨)) dapet tos dr semuanya. #oleh2 aquila,membiru,melebam,membengkak, tapi seneng,jatoh nda bikin kapok.. siap2 next trek selanjutnya..