
Showing posts from October, 2012


There's a point in your life when you get tired of fixing everything and trying to make everyone happy. When you finally decide to quit,it's NOT GIVING UP.It is realizing you dont need certain people and the bs they bring into your life -Grey anatomy-
Just because people do horrible things,it's doesn't always mean they horrible people. "tapi emang gitu jadi cewe ya? kalo udah cinta,rasa yang menang daripada logika,as long as there's a tiny bit of hope,we stay. - Ikanatassa-

Beautiful Interiors

I love beautiful interiors. Sometimes hits me some kind of amok or mania and I browse web sites or magazines for hours. So far I´m just browsing. I live in a rented, so I´m not in the mood to re-create my home, it´s kind of unnecessary I think.I just make my home more cozy with little things. But when i will have my own home (and a lot of money of course), I will totally enjoy furnishing and decorating it :) 

What We Did Together


Adam Levine - marron 5

An exciting day comes, filled with fun, after waiting several months to watch a live concert in Istora Senayan .. yup "Marron 5" aaakkkk I'll see Adam Levine aw aw ... cant wait for that :) Singkat cerita :  At 8 pm in the open by the opening of las vegas name is "the cab" well, I do not know any of the songs they were singing, but the song is quite enjoyable ... and here were are, waiting for the hours of 9 pm to watch live marron 5 in conser, well to be honest I'm just going to tough it's Adam Levine ... isshhh he is very sexy and cool ..